I love standing close enough to the hives to watch forager bees coming in for a landing, their back legs all loaded up with yellow and orange pollen. It's fascinating to watch as other bees rush to start cleaning the pollen off their sisters' legs as they enter the hive.

Yesterday I attempted to get some photos of the pollen-bearers, but failed. My camera just wasn't quite fast enough. I did, however, get a nice close-up of some of the Rocky bees.
And, drumroll, please... we have a winner in the "Please, For Goodness' Sake, Give Hive A a Name" contest. Hive A is now officially known as Apollo (submitted by Todd Gerlach). Thanks to everyone who submitted potential names! Should there be any more hives added to my bee yard, I reckon we'll continue on with the "Rocky" theme.
Yo, Adrian!
Can you invest in one of those high powered video cameras and get a film of the landings?? That would be fascinating. You PUBLIC demands it!!