This time last year, I remember laughing at a television commercial for back-to-school supplies at Staples. The theme song in the background was "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." Parents were rejoicing over their children's imminent return to the classroom, while the kids looked pained. I've always loved wandering the aisles in office supply stores (and hardware stores, too), marveling over all the nifty gadgets and even the school supplies.
Well, last night I was able to recapture the excitement of shopping for supplies. Bee supplies. I got a sale catalog in the mail last week, and several of the gadgets I longed for (not to mention, needed) were on sale! My list included a frame grip, frame perch and tool box, which will all come in handy when I do hive inspections. For possible honey extraction this fall, I ordered a cappings scratcher (takes the cap off the honey cells), a cold knife (for scraping comb and honey into the extractor) and a simple extraction system that will allow me to filter the honey and bottle it. If I get any honey this year, that is. Last but not least, I ordered another jacket for anyone who wants to venture out into the back yard with me and get a closer look at the bees.
The Rocky bees have been extremely hungry, so I gave them the large feeder of sugar-water this morning. This holds about 5 cups of liquid. Not only are they hungry, they are also storing lots of pollen. Can't wait to inspect both hives this weekend to see what progress is being made!
In the meantime, it'll be the hap-happiest season of all when my supplies arrive.
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