Those poor swarm bees. The thunderstorms and downpours of the last two days have done their damage to the makeshift hive. The plywood base and roof bowed up and the cardboard box is in a state of collapse (giving new meaning to the term, "colony collapse disorder"). I was able to replace the roof with another piece of plywood, but there is not much I can do about the base or the box. I did remove some of the newspaper plugs from a couple of corners of the hive so the poor bees could have some air and a way in and out. I can only imagine how it looks inside.
Still, when I went out to replace the feeder this morning, they were hanging in there. I was thinking of giving each hive a name. The swarm bees, being the underdogs with a fighting spirit, are definitely "Rocky."
I tracked the status of the hive I ordered and it made it to the Atlanta area Friday and was scanned for Monday delivery. It can't come soon enough. Hang in there, little winged friends, help is on the way!
Really, I couldn't blame them if they swarmed again and left for good, considering their current living conditions. I just hope their temporary house of horrors doesn't turn into the (bees)wax museum.
What a nightmare for the bees. You could have stood out there in the thunderstorms and rain with an umbrella to protect the makeshift hive??!! Maybe that is asking too much but what about Tim? It is Tuesday now so I hope the new hive is in place and the bees are settling in.