Monday, May 10, 2010 was the culmination of two years' worth of curiosity, research and deliberate intent to become a backyard beekeeper. I picked up my packaged bees — ordered from Rossman Apiaries in Moultrie, Ga. — at the post office, where a postal worker said, "Oh, thank GOD" when I told her why I was there. She brought out a plastic mail crate with the box of bees inside and handed it over. And thus, the real adventure began.
The "how-to" video that was included with the hive and bee supplies I'd ordered last year came in handy as I followed the instructions from memory on how to load a package of bees into the hive. I wore my veil, but found that gloves just got in the way. I didn't mind the soft feel of the little honeybees on my hands. They were confused and trying to figure out where their new home would be. I pulled out the cork in the queen's cage and placed her in the box, unceremoniously dumping the rest of the bees after her. They buzzed, but not in a bad way. I closed the hive, put in a feeder of sugar-water, and that was that.
For the past two days, the little winged creatures have been buzzing in and out of the hive just like they're supposed to. Thankfully, there weren't too many casualties along the way and they seem to be thriving. In fact, they are HUNGRY. Looks like I'll have to refill the feeder every day for the next several weeks.
No stings so far, and the dogs seem to have no interest in the bees. A very good thing.
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