Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sweet BEEzus!

Friends and followers, you were all quite creative with the names you submitted for Hive #3, but I think pretty much everyone agreed that "Sweet BEEzus" was outstanding! Thank you, David. I'll be sending you the first jar of honey I harvest this summer.

Today's hive inspection was so exciting! First, Sweet BEEzus is queen right and thriving. A look into the top super showed the queen is laying in a nice pattern and the girls are storing honey/sugar syrup in the tops of the frames. In a couple of weeks when I stop feeding these girls, I'll add another super on top just in case they decide to make some honey.

Now, for Apollo. The original hive is going strong, despite producing a couple of swarms and some robbing activity. A peek into the third super shows the girls are storing honey on about three of the frames, but it is not yet capped. I'm hopeful they will make at least one super of honey by the end of the summer.

Rocky had the best suprise of all. My scrappy swarm hive captured last summer is very productive! This hive also swarmed twice in the spring and has fended off "robbers." When I pulled out some frames in the third super, they were heavy with honey, most of it capped! I'm pretty sure I'll be able to harvest this honey in a couple of weeks.

All of this honey activity sent me hurrying to my computer to order more supplies. I ordered two shallow supers with frames for more honey production in Apollo and Rocky; an escape screen for separating the bees from the honey super; and nylon strainer bags for the honey filtering system.

What a sweet morning it's been. I love my bees.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hot syrup

Hive 3 seems to be thriving. They have moved up into the second super, but I haven't opened up the hive again to see if the queen is laying brood there. Thought maybe I should give them some "space" for a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, my sugar buying frenzy at the grocery store continues. The bees need to be fed for another three to four weeks. Around noon today I realized I hadn't fed them since Sunday — oops! I made up a batch of sugar syrup in a hurry and barely gave it any time to cool off before I filled the feeder and loaded it in the hive. Yes, the bees got hot syrup today! Considering the afternoon heat here during the past two weeks, I doubt they will notice anything different.